How To Change Mac Address On Windows 10 For Google Chromecast Splash Screen

How To Change Mac Address On Windows 10 For Google Chromecast Splash Screen 7,3/10 4822 reviews

So let’s see how to Assign Static IP address to various Operating Systems. Assign IP Address on Windows 10/8/7. You can do this quickly through the command line. You will need to first find your subnet mask, default gateway, and network adapter name. In my case, I’m on a Wi-Fi network, so the adapter name is Wi-Fi. To confirm the change, open Start, type: CMD, right-click CMD then click Run as administrator. At the command prompt, type: ipconfig/all then hit Enter to check the physical address. You can also open Start Settings Network & Internet, click the connection name then scroll down to view the Physical address (MAC).

Topics Map > Windows
Chromecast mac addressTopics Map > Mac

You can customize Google Chrome to open any page for the homepage or startup page. These two pages aren't the same unless you set them to be.

  • Your startup page is the one that shows when you first launch Chrome on your computer.
  • Your homepage is the one you go to when you click Home.
If your startup page, homepage, or search engine has suddenly changed, then you may have some unwanted software.

Set your startup page

You can control what page or pages appear when you launch Chrome on your computer.
Have a new tab open

You can tell Chrome to open to a new tab page.

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More .
  3. Click Settings. (If you're using a Chromebook, click 'Show advanced settings' at the bottom of the page.)
  4. Under 'On startup,' select Open the New Tab page.

By default, the new tab page shows Google's logo, a search bar, and thumbnails of your most visited sites. You can choose a fun themefor your new tab page instead, though.

You can tell Chrome to re-open the same pages you were looking at when you quit.

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More .
  3. Click Settings. (If you're using a Chromebook, click 'Show advanced settings' at the bottom of the page.)
  4. Under 'On startup,' select Continue where you left off.

Your cookies and data are saved, so any websites you were logged into before (like Gmail, for example) will open again. If you don't want to be automatically signed in to these pages, follow the steps below:

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More .
  3. Click Settings.
  4. At the bottom of the page, click Show advanced settings.
  5. Under the section 'Privacy,' click Content settings.
  6. In the dialog that appears, under the section 'Cookies,' choose Keep local data only until you quit your browser.
  7. Click Done.

Note: If you're on a Chromebook, your tabs won't restore when you close and reopen the Chrome browser. To continue where you left off, restart your Chromebook.
Open a specific set of pages

You can tell Chrome to open to any webpage.

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More .
  3. Click Settings. (If you're using a Chromebook, click 'Show advanced settings' at the bottom of the page.)
  4. Under 'On startup,' click Open a specific page or set of pages.
  5. Click Set pages.
  6. Enter the web address of the page you want to see when you open Chrome.
  7. Click OK.
Problems with your startup or homepage

If you're seeing a homepage or startup page that you didn't set yourself, your computer may have malware.
Choose your homepage

You can control what page appears when you click in the top left of your screen the Home button.

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More .
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Under 'Appearance,' check the box Show Home button.
  5. Below 'Show Home button,' click Change to choose your homepage.

The Home button will appear to the left of your address bar.

For more information, please visit the Google Support website.

If you have any questions, come by the Help Desk at Hardman & Jacobs Undergraduate Learning Center Room 105, call 646-1840, or email us at

The Cast SDK performs device discovery, as described for Android, Chrome,and iOS, to provide the user with a list ofavailable Cast receiver devices. The sender app can then connect to a receiverdevice and begin casting. When device discovery fails, the issue may be withthe app (sender or receiver), the Cast device, or the network.

This document describes ways to troubleshoot for device discovery problems: thereceiver does not appear in the list of connected Cast devices or, worse, theCast button does not appear when you run the sender app. Because there are somany potential factors, and so many variables in the discovery process, thesemeasures may not definitively prove any one cause, but they help you narrow downthe possible causes.

Before investigating your device discovery problem, be sure the followingconditions are established:

  • The sender device is running a Cast app that you can use for testing.Do not use the Netflix or YouTube apps to test discovery, as theseuse some specialized discovery mechanisms.
  • The receiver device is an official Google Cast device.
  • The sender device must have WiFi enabled and running.
  • The sender device and the receiver device must be connected to the same WiFinetwork.Do not attempt to resolve discovery issues while inguest mode.

Also, see Debugging for more information aboutdebugging your Cast receiver application.

To get further assistance with your issue, gather all available information suchas debugging logs, ping response data, and network service data, and use one ofthe support options described in Google Cast Support.

Check the sender app

  1. Connect both the sender and the receiver to the same WiFi network.
  2. Restart the sender app.

    • On Android, force the app to stop by using the Android system settings.Then re-launch the app.
    • On iOS, double-click the home button, select the sender app, and swipeit away to shut it down. Then re-launch the app.
  3. In the sender app, touch the Cast button to view Cast devices on the network.If the receiver device is now listed (discovered), there may stillbe a problem with the sender app. Observe the sender app and note theconditions under which it loses its ability to discover your receiver: whatis happpening in the app? Is the time to connection loss consistent overseveral restarts?

  4. Run a different sender app (not Netflix or YouTube), and touch the Castbutton to view Cast devices on the network.

    If other apps are consistently discovering your receiver, and yoursender app isn't, the problem is probably in your sender app. On the otherhand, if all apps have problems discovering your receiver, the problem maybe with your receiver or the network.

  5. Run your sender app on a different platform (if possible).

    More information about the Window-Eyes, JAWS, and NVDA screen readers and demo versions for each are available on the, and websites.Finally, screen reader users will need to access Flash content using the Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox browsers. Flash player 9.028 for mac.

    When running your sender app on other platforms, is the discoverybehavior the same?

  6. Run any app (not Netflix or YouTube) on a different platform than that ofyour sender app.

    If your sender app is on the Android platform, run a different appon iOS, and vice versa. If all apps of a certain platform fail consistently,while those of another do not, the problem may be with the platform.

Synchronize the devices

The authentication handshake between the sender and receiver can fail if thereis a significant disparity between the system time on the sender device and thaton the receiver device. A disparity of as little as 10 minutes may causeauthentication to fail.

The system time on a Cast device is immutable and the device can maintain thecorrect time if connected to the internet. The system time on most senderdevices (such as a phone) is mutable, but you should allow the device to get thesystem time automatically by connecting it to the internet.

If the system time on either the sender or the receiver is incorrect, reboot thedevice and connect it to the internet. If the device is unable to maintain thecorrect time, contact the device vendor.

Ping the devices

When you ping the devices, note the response message content so you can reportit in any communication to Google Cast Support.

  1. Connect both the sender and the receiver to the same WiFi network and verifythat both devices indicate they are connected.
  2. Find the receiver device IP address.

    Use the Google Home app to retrieve the IP address of a Castdevice (excluding Android TV). For Android TV, get the IP address from theSettings > Device > Network > WiFi > Network > Status Infomenu.

  3. Connect a computer to the same WiFi network as the receiver and open acommand line interface.

  4. Ping the Cast device and note the response.

    ping <receiver device IP address>

  5. Ping the multicast addresses and note the responses.You can perform this test whether you have thereceiver device IP address or not. Ping the multicast IP addresses asfollows:

    • ping
    • ping
    • ping
  6. Find the IP address of the sender device.Usually the Settings menu has this information. In Android, look in Settings> About > Status.

  7. Ping the sender device and note the response.

    ping <sender device IP address>

If you can't get a response when you ping either device, see Check the router.

Check the router

Some network routers support Cast better than others, and Google has tested mostof the major brands. The following steps may help identify router issues.

  1. On your network router, turn off AP isolation.
  2. Check your routerfor any known issues and additional information.
  3. Search the internet to see how other users have resolved router issues withChromecast.

    For example, enter the query, 'Chromecast Belkin n300.'

  4. Update your router's firmware.

    See the manufacturer's instructions. The router firmware may have bugs thatcan be resolved with a simple update.

  5. Reboot your network router by turning it off then restarting it.

  6. Reboot your Cast device.

    To reboot a Chromecast, unplug then replace the USB cable. Similarly, forother Cast devices, turn on then turn off the device to reboot it.

Check the traffic

You can see if the receiver is communicating properly with the network byinspecting the broadcast services on the network.

  1. On a device connected to the same network as the Cast receiver device,install one of the network service inspection utilities listed below.
  2. Run the utility and find the _googlecast._tcp.local service record.

    This record will describe your Cast receiver device name and modelalong with service data.

  3. Copy the record information for communication to Google Cast Support.

Install the network service inspection utilities as follows:

  • Apple OSX - Install Bonjour Browser from Tildesoft

  • Linux - Install avahi-discovery and run it as follows:

    • sudo apt-get install avahi-discover
    • sudo service avahi-daemon start
    • avahi-discover© 2020