How To Enter Expenses In Quickbooks For Mac

How To Enter Expenses In Quickbooks For Mac 8,8/10 5790 reviews

How to i enter mileage into expenses properly? My services contract provides for reimbursement for mileage and other travel expenses relating to services provided through the contract. Therefore this is not a 'tax time' IRS requirement but a business expense being invoiced to.


QuickBooks 2019 makes small-business accounting fast and easy. But your day-to-day business bookkeeping will go even more smoothly if you employ a handful of QuickBooks user interface tricks, editing tricks, and keyboard shortcuts.

QuickBooks 2019 User Interface Tricks

Here are some techniques that you can use to navigate the QuickBooks 2019 software more quickly:

Usb2 0 crw driver windows 7. Usb2 0-crw drivers for mac But I think the reason for the variation is that just because say my unit is the same model doesn’t mean it has the same inner workings. Then I did a clean install of Office Service tag basically has no bearing but to identify the customer and whether or not the warranty is valid if registered.

  • To move quickly to a specific list-box entry, press the letter. Press the s key to move to the first list entry that begins with the letter s, for example.
  • To select a list-box entry shown within a dialog box and simultaneously choose a suggested command button for the active dialog box (probably the OK button), double-click the entry.
  • To move the insertion point to the beginning of a field, press Home.
  • To move the insertion point to the end of a field, press End.
  • QuickBooks can display a list of open windows in its Open Window list. To display the Open Window list, choose ViewOpen Window List. To move to a listed window, just click it.
  • To tell QuickBooks to use windows the same way every other program does, choose ViewMultiple Windows. Alternatively, to tell QuickBooks to display just the active window, choose ViewOne Window.

QuickBooks 2019 Keyboard Shortcuts

Use the QuickBooks 2019 keyboard shortcuts shown in the following table to make your day-to-day small-business accounting easier and faster.

Press This PC ShortcutQuickBooks Does This
Alt+SSaves a transaction
Alt+NSaves a transaction and goes to a new transaction
Ctrl+ADisplays the Chart of Accounts window
Ctrl+CCopies your selection to the Clipboard
Ctrl+DDeletes check, invoice, transaction, or item from the list
Ctrl+EEdits transaction selected in the register
Ctrl+FDisplays the Find window
Ctrl+GGoes to the other side of a transfer transaction
Ctrl+IDisplays the Create Invoice window
Ctrl+JDisplays the Customer:Job List window
Ctrl+MMemorizes a transaction
Ctrl+NCreates a new <fill in the blank> where <fill in the blank> is whatever is active at the time
Ctrl+PAlmost always prints the currently active register, list, or form
Ctrl+QCreates and displays a QuickReport on the selected transaction
Ctrl+RDisplays the Register window
Crtl+TDisplays the memorized transaction list
Ctrl+VPastes the contents of the Clipboard
Ctrl+WDisplays the Write Checks window
Ctrl+XMoves your selection to the Clipboard
Ctrl+ZUndoes your last action — usually
Ctrl+EnterSaves the changes
Ctrl+InsertInserts a line into a list of items or expenses
Ctrl+DeleteDeletes the selected line from a list of items or expenses
EscCloses the active window

Performing Common QuickBooks Tasks

To perform a common accounting or bookkeeping task in QuickBooks, use these commands. When QuickBooks displays the commands window, you just fill in the boxes and press Enter.

To Do ThisChoose This QuickBooks Command
Dealing with Customers
Invoice a customerCustomers→Create Invoices
Record a cash saleCustomers→Enter Sales Receipts
Issue a credit memoCustomers→Create Credit Memo/Refunds
Record a customer paymentCustomers→Receive Payments
Handling Banking Activities
Pay a bill with a checkBanking→Write Checks
Buy inventory with a checkBanking→Write Checks
Move money between bank accountsBanking→Transfer Funds
Deposit money in a bank accountBanking→Make Deposits
See a bank account’s transactionsBanking→Use Register
Reconcile a bank accountBanking→Reconcile
Working with Vendors
Prepare a purchase orderVendors→Create Purchase Orders
Record when items are receivedVendors→Receive Items or Vendors→Receive Items and Enter Bill
Record an accounts payable amountVendors→Enter Bills or Vendors→Enter Bill for Received Items
Managing Employees
Preparing employee payrollEmployees→Pay Employees
Paying tax depositsEmployees→Payroll Taxes and Liabilities→Pay Scheduled Liabilities
Getting Financial Information
AccountsLists→Chart of Accounts
CustomersCustomers→Customer Center
InventoryLists→Item List or Vendors→Inventory Activies→Inventory Center
VendorsVendors→Vendor Center
EmployeesEmployees→Employee Center
Profit and lossReports→Company & Financial→Profit & Loss Standard or one of the other profit & loss reports on Company & Financial submenu
Net worthReports→Company & Financial→Balance Sheet Standard or one of the other balance sheet reports on the Company & Financial submenu
Managing the QuickBooks System
Setting up a new companyFile→New Company
Resetting company informationCompany→Company Information
Backing up data fileFile→Save Copy or Back Up
Restoring a data fileFile→Open or Restore Company
Customizing QuickBooksEdit→Preferences
Adjusting accounting dataCompany→Make Journal Entries

Right-Click for Common QuickBooks 2019 Tasks

To perform a common QuickBooks 2019 task related to a window, right-click to display a shortcut menu. In a register, select and right-click a specific transaction; in a list, right-click an item; in a form, display a transaction and right-click a blank area of the form.


QuickBooks displays a shortcut menu of common commands for each particular transaction, item, or window. It often displays commands for memorizing or voiding a transaction, for example, or for creating a QuickReport on a transaction. The commands differ based on the type of transaction you select.© 2020